Is it TRUE or FALSE that “Information Wants to be Free”?

Just the other day I wrote about this question — my answer is posted @ “All Your Data Are More Free to Us” [ ].

Also just the other day, I watched “State of the Word 2022 Q&A” [ ]. There, the photo directory @ WordPress.ORG [ ] was discussed — and that is where the featured image (also featured in my Socio.BIZ blog post) is from.


There have been moments in my life when I have been ‘On Track’ and something has happened which has set me off on a track which I could never have thought or planned in my own mental space

Keywords: {0}

Our journeys at this point in our lives might not look like the straight trajectory of the disused railway line I photographed some years ago. But in a sense there is a connection with the photograph. Because at the times of uncertainty we need to find a route through the ‘maze’ we might find ourselves in. The simple route may look too obvious or straightforward, but it offers a path which, in the absence of anything else, we can at least follow, one step after another.

Don’t Look Back — “We decided to take a few risks, planning a session representing the infidelity concept in relationships in a playful and fun way”

Keywords: culture , memes , photography , social media , web

He and his models took to Gerona, an idyllic city in Catalonia, Spain, chose a spot on the street, and started shooting. “It was quite challenging to achieve face expressions that were believable,” says Guillem. “Mainly because we always have a really great work atmosphere, and almost all the time one of the models was laughing while we were trying to take the picture.”

The ‘Distracted Boyfriend’ Meme Photographer Explains All | WIRED

There are parallels between my mother’s life and my own

Keywords: family chronicles , writing , writing a book , ancestry , old photos , memoir , family history , daily post , past , texas , digging up the past , family photos

I’m shifting my focus, changing up my process. I will gather all the photos of one person regardless of decade and create a timeline. But what about the other people in that person’s life? Where do they go? Why am I doing this anyway? There is something I need from all of this. Maybe the clenching in my gut is a sign to keep going. To find the right path. I hope there’s juicy dirt or ridiculousness hiding for me.